Welcome to my Blog!

I want to personally thank all of my amazing clients who have trusted me to capture and document small parts of their lives and allowed me to share them with you.

I hope you enjoy....

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Finally...Baby Addison has Arrived!!

My family has been waiting very patiently for Baby Addison to arrive. As you guys remember, her mom, Brittany (aka "Bertny") is like a second daughter to us. We have watched her blossom from preteen to now, new mommy. I was blessed to be able to be there when she brought Baby Addison into the world on Tuesday evening. And I do have to say, at a whole 5lbs. 7 oz, she is precious!

"Thank you, Brittany, for allowing me to be there and capture this amazing event. I will truly treasure those moments forever! You are going to be an amazing mommy! We love you!"

After I get the 200 pictures edited...I will put up a "Birth Documentation" section on my website for those who are dying to see them, but for now, I just wanted to post a couple of pictures we snapped over the last 36 hours.

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