Welcome to my Blog!

I want to personally thank all of my amazing clients who have trusted me to capture and document small parts of their lives and allowed me to share them with you.

I hope you enjoy....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Year = Fresh Start

I didn't realize how long it had been since my last post....WOW! So many things have happened in the past 6 months including moving from my home of the last 25 years in Dallas down south to San Antonio. Now that life has settled down a bit, I can pick up my camera again and get to work :)

Before I start posting new stuff, thought maybe I would share some of my favorite photos of the last 9 months:

First, some of my favorite Seniors.. I love my Seniors. They are always so easy to work with and so much fun!!

Best of luck to these two couples who will be tying the knot this year!

And just a little teaser from one of their Bridal Sessions:

If you follow me on FB, I know you've already seen most of these already. Here are a couple of my two favorite toddlers! I love these girls and can't believe how big they are getting!!

Adorable little Ryan was a great sport during her session! It was soooo HOT that day and I had to bribe her with bubbles and playing in the fountain after her session was done in order to get the job done! I think it was more of a treat for me than for her! Nothing beats cold fountain water on your toes during a hot Texas summer day!

And FINALLY, if you're still around and reading this, lol, some of my family!

My Brother & Sister-in-law with the Boys (The Hoffmans)

Cousins, of course, mine is the one making faces!

Cousin Kayla....sooo pretty :)

My Brother, his Beautiful Wife and Kiddos:

MY Kiddos:

Me with my Beautiful Daughter:

Brian & the Kids:

When my daughter moved home from Alaska she begged me to take her out and take some updated pictures of her for her FB page...here are some of my favs from that session:

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